Catholic Groups
Looking for a group to join that would help you get to know more people in the community, this page will help identify some of the groups available at each parish. These are non profit groups that help maintain the hospitality and community in our parishes. If you are interested in any of them please call the parish office to find more information or be connected with a member who will be able to help you.

Knights of Columbus
Catholic men putting their faith into action.
The Harvest of Hope has one order of Knights.
If you would like to learn more about this group you can contact Financial Secretary Jim Welle at 320-845-2597
The Knights of Columbus Officers
Grand Knight - Brad Opatz
Deputy Grand Knight - Vacant
Financial Secretary - Jim Welle
Treasure - Vacant
Reporter - Elmer Goebel
Meetings are held at the Seven Dolor Church August to May* the last Monday of the month.
Christian Women/Mothers
This women's organization is run separately at each of the Harvest of Hope parishes. At times they are called together to help in the larger HoH community when joint activates are being held.

Offices Held:
President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer
Seven Dolors:
President - Ann Ohmann
Vice - President Bev Leiser
Secretary - Sharon Weyer
Treasurer- Diane Noll
Saint Anthony:
President - Ann Cremers
Secretary/ Treaserer - Gen Beutz
Saint Martin (St. Ann's) Christian Women

Many times you will see the abbreviation CUF in the bulletin, the Catholic United Financial group is what it will be referring too.
This is an organization is made up of both men and women. This group is run individually at the parish level, but the rep for the area is the same for each parish.