How can you help in your parish?
Liturgical Ministry
Whether you enjoy speaking in front of people or like to be behind the sense with no attention directed on you, there is a ministry for all comfort levels. With each ministry there is training to help you feel comfortable with what you choose to do. Each one of our four parishes have a committee that will support you in your ministry.
Extraordinary Minister
Sharing the sacramental Body of Christ with
the people of the Body of Christ.
Extraordinary Ministers distribute Communion during Mass, but
they also may take Communion to those who are not able to be at Mass (the sick or homebound).

They care for the church and for the linens and vessels used inthe Mass.
During liturgy, they play a supportive role behind the scenes, helping the servers and ministers to be in their places at the right times and providing the items that are needed for worship.


Adoration is offered at 3 of our 4 parishes. Every Monday Seven Dolors holds hours of adoration, Thursday- Saint Martin holds hours and then on Friday Saint Benedict has hours offered to pray before the blessed sacrament.

Extraordinary Ministers
Bishops, priests, and deacons distribute Holy Communion as Ordinary Ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
are parishioners whose lifestyle and conduct truly exemplify Catholic moral teaching.
Gift Bearers
On behalf of the eucharistic assembly, gift bearers present the gifts of bread, wine and collection in the offertory procession.